Sunday, August 3, 2014

Shilpa Sayura Finacial Management Method


Although e fusion is a private limited company, we have been running our operations having a community outlook in organizational culture.

This was the first ever grant for we received although we had been contributing to ICT developements for local community needs.

Our remakable contribution is developing local language concepts and providing free services, tools and technologies for local language internet communications and publishing.

On reciept of the grant e fusion management team (the founders of desided to make Shilpa Sayura a 100% non profit project outside our commercial services.

We also desided to make Shilpa Sayura a CSR project and to involve as much as participants from our professional and friends network including online community.

1. The project and finances are planned for a year.
2. All activities are over looked by Project Management Team lead by Project Chief Niranjan Meegammana.
3. Training and Resources for teachers provided to create content.
4. All man power, equipment and other resources hired for the projct, most of the people work part time. This was done to increase participation and to reduce costs as project activities vary time to time.

Financial Management
1. All finances are handled in a seperate new bank acount opend for the project.

2. All money recived deposited in the said bank account.

3. All expences made against pre approved budget plan. Deviations are approved in minimal terms.

4. All cheques are signed by 2 Senior Project Staff and Monthky Internally Audited by Chief Financial Officer of e fusion and representive of teachers group working with e fusion.

5. As the grant is given in milestones in deliverables basis, the project also make all payments on deliverables basis.

Niranjan Meegammana
Project Director

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