Sunday, August 3, 2014

Shilpa Sayura goes on a preview tour


In the world of ICT, best designed software have failed,. ICT Project that planned for  mass implementation have failed more than they have become a success. Shilpa Sayura Team had known this factor. We wanted to be sure of the field implementation plan goes right. The only way to find out make a preview tour.

A tour was undertaken covering 5 Nenasala Tele Center Communities in deep south of Monaragala and Empbilipitiya. The tour also included taking part in World Children day program at Hamillaketiya Nenasala to Showcase Shilpa Sayura to students and obtains feed back.

Two meetings with target Nenasala Operators were conducted at Hallmillaketiya and Wellawaya Nenasala to demonstrate Shilpa Sayura Software, content to obtain feedback. The tour also intended to identify technical environments of  Nenasala Tele Centers to better understand issues that would need attention.

The tour also studied several schools around Nenasala Communities to understand the status of current education. Ideas were generated for capacity building needs. One of the most important needs of Shilpa Sayura preview tour was to understand children’s reactions and ask them what extras thaye would need.

The Children were given a form to fill up their derails and evaluate Shilpa Sayura on following criteria of

1. Ease of Use
2. Content Presentation
3. Content value for studies
4. Content value for exams
5. Ease of Learning

100 Students were asked give 1 to five marks for each and an overall score was generated averaging each mark. Students were asked to make comments. The results were calculated averaging generally.

Maximum Marks – 24
Minimum 19.6
Average 23.6
Minimum Grade: 5th Grade
Maximum Grade : 11th Grade
Average Grade : 8 (General)
Subjects Mostly Reviewed : Sinhala, Science, Dance , Art, Music
Subjects Least Reviewed : Sinhala, Math, Social Science

One of the major comments made by children, parents and Nenasala staff was to add English Learning facility.

Locations Covered : Halmillaatiya, Padalangala, Wellawaya, Monaragala, Buttala, Maduruketiya, Panamura, Udawalawe, Godakawela, Kandiyapitawewa, Balaharuwa, Suriyakanda

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